Upcoming Highlights:

Icon attribution: Noun Project (Iconiyo)

September AL!VE Academy
Bridging Generational Communication Gaps in the Nonprofit Workplace

Voting Begins September 23 for our 2025-28 slate of AL!VE Board Members  


Icon attribution: Noun Project (Petra Cuschieri)

Nominations closed AL!VE Impact Awards Winners announced October 22


Icon attribution: Noun Project (WiStudio)

Hybrid Conference 
Registration is open for HOST or INDIVIDUALS! Creating Influence in Your Organization-Thinking Beyond a Seat at the Table

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AL!VE's Advocacy Efforts

Learn about our Professional Career Pathway survey data and our initiative to recognize volunteer engagement professionals  .


AL!VE is the national professional association for leaders in volunteer engagement to provide networking, professional development, mentoring and advocacy for our peers. We are...

  • Professionals in volunteer management and engagement
  • Advocates for the recognition and appreciation of volunteer management
  • The resource for and the link to tools, research, and best practices
  • Educators of decision makers in all volunteer management arenas
  • Influencers for redefining job descriptions, compensation, and the position of volunteer manager in our organizations
  • Diverse, inclusive and member driven

Empower Volunteer Engagement Professionals!
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